
Cylinder minus Cuboid

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Created by Andreas Riedmüller, 0 named parts, 0 child shapes
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This shape is a cylinder from which a cuboid is subtracted. Per default you will get a cylinder with a rectangular hole in the center.

By setting the height of the cuboid to a lower value you can create a floor at the bottom.

Using the offset values, you can create almost any shape where a cuboid is subtracted from a cylinder.

If you would like to explicitly set the floor height you can do so by using this fomular for Cuboid Height: ´´´ =height-5 ´´´ In this case the floor will always be 5mm.

Processing steps (work in progress)
This is a first version of an idea I had. You can add different modifiers to the generated shape. Currently there is only the drilling machine that can drill a whole in the center of the shape.